Art & Culture/Sports Record

World Best Boxer 50 - ESPN(2007)

Wood-Stock 2009. 5. 10. 21:12

프로복싱 역사상 가장 위대한 복서 50인 ~ ESPN

1. Sugar Ray Robinson

2. Muhammad Ali

3. Henry Armstrong

4. Joe Louis

5. Willie Pep

6. Roberto Duran

7. Benny Leonard

8. Jack Johnson

9. Jack Dempsey

10. Sam Langford

11. Joe Gans

12. Sugar Ray Leonard

13. Harry Greb

14. Rocky Marciano

15. Jimmy Wilde

16. Gene Tunney

17. Mickey Walker

18. Archie Moore

19. Stanley Ketchel

20. George Foreman

21. Tony Canzoneri

22. Barney Ross

23. Jimmy McLarnin

24. Julio Cesar Chavez

25. Marcel Cerdan

26. Joe Frazier

27. Ezzard Charles

28. Jake LaMotta V

29. Sandy Saddler

30. Terry McGovern

31. Billy Conn

32. Jose Napoles

33. Ruben Olivares

34. Emile Griffith

35. Marvin Hagler

36. Eder Jofre

37. Thomas Hearns

38. Larry Holmes

39. Oscar De La Hoya

40. Evander Holyfield

41. Ted "Kid" Lewis

42. Alexis Arguello

43. Marco Antonio Barrera

44. Pernell Whitaker

45. Carlos Monzon

46. Roy Jones Jr.

47. Bernard Hopkins

48. Floyd Mayweather Jr.

49. Erik Morales

50. Mike Tyson



최근 오스카 델라 호야 대 플로이드 메이웨더 주니어 간 세기의 대결이 펼쳐진 뒤 다시 복싱에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 델라 호야와 메이웨더의 대결은 전세계 프로복싱 팬들의 눈과 귀를 사로잡으며 역사상 각종 흥행 수익 기록을 다시 썼다.

만약 프로복싱 역사상 최고의 복서를 뽑으라면 과연 누가 될까. 물론 자기가 살았던 지역과 시대에 따라 평가가 달라지겠지만 객관적인 전적이나 활약, 영향력 등에 따라 충분히 가려볼 수 있다.

최근 미국 스포츠전문미디어 ESPN은 공식 홈페이지를 통해 '프로복싱 역사상 가장 위대한 복서 50인'을 선정해 발표했다. 당연한 얘기겠지만 미국 또는 미국을 중심으로 활약했던 복서들이 순위의 대부분을 차지했다.

우선 주목할 복서는 가장 위대한 프로복서를 넘어 20세기를 대표하는 스포츠맨으로 손색이 없는 무하마드 알리. 그의 순위는 2위다. 복서로서 뿐만 아니라 한 인물로도 드라마틱한 삶을 살았던 알리는 전세계 많은 팬들에게 복싱의 재미와 매력을 선물했다는 점에서 박수를 받아 충분하다. 그는 프로복싱 역사상 처음으로 3차례나 헤비급 챔피언에 올랐던 주인공이기도 하다.


알리와 라이벌 구도를 펼쳤던 복서들도 역시 빼놓을 수 없다. '킨샤샤의 기적'에 희생양이 된 조지 포먼은 20위에 이름을 올렸고 알리의 초창기 라이벌 조 프레이저는 26위를 차지했다. 나이 먹은 알리를 꺾고 헤비급의 새로운 시대를 열었던 래리 홈즈도 38위다.

1980년대 미들급의 최고 전성시대를 이끌었던 주역들도 50위 안에 들었다. 가장 높은 순위는 '돌주먹' 로베르토 듀란으로 6위다. 파나마 출신으로 라이트웰터, 웰터, 주니어미들, 미들급 등 4체급을 석권했던 듀란은 무려 1968년부터 2001년까지 복서로서 무려 34년 동안 활약한 열정을 과시했다.

듀란과 함께 라이벌구도를 펼쳤던 슈가레이 레너드와 마빈 해글러는 각각 12위, 35위에 이름을 올렸다. 1987년에 열렸던 해글러 대 레너드의 대결은 양 선수가 각각 1200만달러, 1100만달러의 대전료를 받을 만큼 당시로는 최고의 빅매치였다. 당시 물가를 감안한다면 가히 놀라운 규모의 대결이었다. 또 이들과 함께 어깨를 나란히 했던 토마스 헌즈도 37위.

1990년대 이후 헤비급의 시대를 열었던 주인공들도 물론 순위에 있다. 40을 훌쩍 넘긴 나이에도 지금까지 현역에서 활약중인 에반더 홀리필드는 40위다. 하지만 한때 최고의 헤비급 복서로 군림하다 자기관리에 실패해 스스로 몰락하고 만 마이크 타이슨은 겨우 50위에 턱걸이했다. 현역시절 그의 파괴력과 인기를 감안하면 초라한 결과다.

현역선수들도 위대한 복서 순위에 이름을 올려놓고 있다. 현역선수 가운데 가장 높은 순위는 오스카 델라호야로 39위다. 델라 호야는 헤비급 선수를 제외하고 가장 큰 명예와 부를 이룬 선수로 꼽을 수 있다. 최근에는 복서로서 강력함이 한풀 꺾인 듯 보이지만 프로모터로서도 활발한 활동을 벌이며 오늘날 프로복싱계에서 가장 영향력있는 인물로 군림하고 있다.

델라호야와 세기의 대결을 벌인 플로이드 메이웨더 주니어는 48위를 차지했다. 또 멕시코 출신의 현역 최고 테크니션 마르코 안토니오 바레라는 낮은 체급의 선수임에도 뛰어난 활약으로 43위에 올랐다. 미들급에서 시작해 헤비급까지 체급을 올린 로이 존스 주니어와 최근 은퇴를 번복하고 복귀를 준비하는 버나드 홉킨스, 멕시코 출신의 강타자 에릭 모랄레스도 각각 46위, 47위, 49위에 랭크됐다.

그렇다면 과연 1위는 누굴까. ESPN이 뽑은 1위는 바로 슈가레이 로빈슨이다. 국내 복싱팬들에게는 다소 생소한 복서지만 프로복싱 역사상 가장 추앙받는 인물인 로빈슨은 웰터급과 미들급에서 활약하면서 1940년부터 65년까지 무려 202전 175승을 이뤘다.

당시로는 놀라울 만큼 현란한 스피드와 테크닉으로 오늘날 현대 복싱의 역사를 다시 썼던 로빈슨은 훗날 이름까지 따라 붙였던 레너드를 비롯해 수많은 복서들에게 영향을 주면서 최고의 복서로 지금까지 기억되고 있다.

(이석무 기자 (2007.12)



50. Mike Tyson : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1985-2005. Record: 50-6-0-2 (44 KOs)

Career notes: Knocked out Trevor Berbick in the second round in November 1986 to become youngest heavyweight champion in history. … Intimidating demeanor and devastating two-fisted knockout power cowed many opponents into submission before the first bell. … Tore through heavyweight ranks until being upended by 42-1 underdog James "Buster" Douglas in 1990. … Comeback was derailed by a prison sentence for rape from 1992 to 1995. … Regained WBC heavyweight belt from Frank Bruno and WBA belt from Bruce Seldon in 1996, but lost to Evander Holyfield in November of that year. Melted down in rematch, biting both of Holyfield's ears. … Was beaten badly over eight rounds by Lennox Lewis in 2002. … Quit on his stool after six rounds in his last fight, against Kevin McBride, in 2005.




49. Erik Morales : Super bantamweight, featherweight, junior lightweight

Ring career: 1993-present Record: 48-5 (34 KOs)

Career notes: Tremendously popular Mexican warrior, whose fights frequently evoke technical brawls of old. … Career defined primarily by three-fight series with compatriot Marco Antonio Barrera (W12, L12, L12) and Manny Pacquiao (W12, TKO by 10, KO by 3). … Won WBC super bantamweight title from Daniel Zaragoza in September 1997 and defended nine times. … Won WBC featherweight crown in September 2000, lost it to Barrera in June 2002, regained now-vacant title five months later. … Vacated to seize WBC 130-pound championship in February 2004, which he lost in November that year, again to Barrera. … Has lost four of his last five and is clearly in decline, but has expressed interest in having at least one more fight, for a lightweight belt.

48. Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Junior lightweight, lightweight, junior welterweight, welterweight, junior middleweight

Ring career: 1996-present. Record: 38-0 (24 KOs)

Career notes: Has greater potential than anyone on this list to rise or fall. … Blessed with tremendous natural ability, but also a skilled technician. … Won WBC 130-pound title with stoppage of Genaro Hernandez in 18th pro fight. … Added WBC lightweight belt in 2002, and junior welterweight belt in 2005. … Defeated Carlos Baldomir to become welterweight champion last year. … Won split decision against Oscar De La Hoya to annex WBC super welterweight crown. … Claims to now be retired.

47. Bernard Hopkins : Middleweight, light heavyweight

Ring career: 1988-present Record: 47-4-1 (32 KOs)

Career notes: Lost professional debut, as a light heavyweight, and did not fight again for 16 months. … Lost first world title challenge, against Roy Jones Jr. for vacant IBF middleweight belt, in 1993. … Drew with Segundo Mercado in second title attempt, for the same belt, in 1994, but stopped Mercado in rematch. … Made 20 successful title defenses, adding WBC and IBF titles in 2001, and WBO belt in 2004. … Lost titles to Jermain Taylor in 2005. … Retired after stepping up to light heavyweight and defeating Antonio Tarver in 2006, but will emerge from retirement to fight Winky Wright in July.

46. Roy Jones Jr. : Middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1989-present Record: 50-4 (38 KOs)

Career notes: Tremendously physically gifted, with lightning reflexes and hand speed. … Won IBF middleweight title against Bernard Hopkins in 1993, then stepped up to super middleweight and dethroned champion James Toney in November 1994. … After five defenses of 168-pound crown, moved up to light heavyweight, becoming first WBC, then WBA and IBF champion.

In 2003, added a portion of the heavyweight championship when he dominated WBA titlist John Ruiz. … Through first 50 contests, only defeat was by DQ against Montell Griffin.

45. Carlos Monzon : Middleweight

Ring career: 1963-77 Record: 87-3-9-1 (59 KOs)

Career notes: Lost three times in first 19 bouts, then went undefeated over the final 81 of career. … Won world middleweight title from Nino Benvenuti in Rome in November 1970, and defended it 14 times over next seven years.




44. Pernell Whitaker : Lightweight, junior welterweight, welterweight

Ring career: 1984-2001 Record: 40-4-1-1 (17 KOs)

Career notes: Defensive master frequently left opponents flummoxed and struggling to tackle unorthodox moves. … only definitive defeats of career were final two bouts; of other two losses, one was controversial and one, his first world title shot, against WBC champion Jose Ramirez in 1988, was considered outright robbery. … Won the title, against Greg Haugen, following year, and defeated Ramirez in a rematch. … Added WBA lightweight belt in 1990, IBF junior welterweight title in 1992 and WBC welterweight belt in 1993. … Widely believed to have beaten Julio Cesar Chavez in September 1993 bout declared a draw. … Lost close decision to Oscar De La Hoya in April 1997, and didn't hold world title again.




43. Marco Antonio Barrera : Junior featherweight, featherweight, junior lightweight

Ring career: 1989-present Record: 63-5 (42 KOs)

Career notes: Mexican brawler has evolved into masterful boxer-puncher. … Won WBO 122-pound title in March 1995, but lost title in shocker to Junior Jones in November 1996. … Regained vacant title in October 1998, and moved up to featherweight in April 2001, dominating favored Englishman Naseem Hamed. … Rebounded from stoppage defeat to Manny Pacquiao to defeat Erik Morales for second time in three-fight series and take the WBC super featherweight title. … Lost title to compatriot Juan Manuel Marquez in March.

42. Alexis Arguello : Featherweight, junior lightweight, lightweight, junior welterweight

Ring career: 1968-95 Record: 80-8 (64 KOs)

Career notes: Classy boxer-puncher renowned for gentlemanly behavior and attitude outside ring. … Failed in first attempt at world title, falling short over 15 rounds in bid for WBA featherweight strap against Ernesto Marcel in February 1974. … Won the title on next attempt, dethroning Ruben Olivares later that year. … Defended title four times before annexing WBC 130-pound crown in January 1978; after eight defenses, moved up to lightweight, outpointing WBC champ Jim Watt in 1981. … Came up short in two epic battles with Aaron Pryor for 140-pound championship in 1982 and 1983, after which he retired, before making two short comebacks.




41. Ted "Kid" Lewis : Feather, welter, middle, light heavy, heavyweight

Ring career: 1909-29 Record: 173-30-14 (71 KOs) and 65 no-decisions

Career notes: Won British featherweight title while only 18, and added European crown four months later. … Won world welterweight title from Jack Britton in August 1915, before losing it to, regaining it from, and losing it once more to Britton in subsequent bouts. … Fought Britton 20 times, with 12 of the bouts ending in no-decisions. … Returned to Britain to annex that country's middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight crowns, and challenged world light heavyweight (and European heavyweight) champion Georges Carpentier in 1922, despite weighing only 153 pounds.



40. Evander Holyfield : Cruiserweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1984-present Record: 41-8-2 (26 KOs)

Career notes: Considered to have one of the greatest fighting hearts of any boxer. … Recognized as greatest champion in history of mostly moribund heavyweight division. … Won WBA cruiser belt by split decision against Dwight Muhammad Qawi after a tremendous battle in just 12th pro bout. … Later added IBF and WBC belts before moving up to heavyweight. … Knocked out Buster Douglas in third round to become heavyweight champion in 1990. …

Lost title to, and regained it from, Riddick Bowe in 1992 and 1993, respectively, before losing it again to Michael Moorer. … Regained WBA belt with stunning 11th-round knockout of Mike Tyson in 1996; Tyson bit off part of his ear en route to disqualification in the rematch. … Widely adjudged to have lost March 1999 unification bout with Lennox Lewis officially scored a draw, but lost on scorecards in rematch. … Three successive defeats, to Chris Byrd, James Toney and Larry Donald from 2002-04, led to calls for his retirement, but has scored three victories since and continues to campaign for another shot at heavyweight title.

39. Oscar De La Hoya

Junior light, light, junior welter, welter, junior middle, middleweight

Ring career: 1992-present Record: 38-5 (32 KOs)

Career notes: Most financially successful non-heavyweight in boxing history, and arguably sport's only remaining mainstream star. … Won WBO 130-pound title in 12th fight, and same organization's lightweight belt two bouts later. … Stopped Rafael Ruelas in two rounds in May 1995 to take IBF lightweight crown. … Defeated Julio Cesar Chavez, adding WBC junior welterweight belt to collection the following year, and outpointed Pernell Whitaker to claim WBC welterweight crown the year after that. … Lost highly controversial decision in unification bout with IBF champ Felix Trinidad in September 1999, and suffered second defeat, to Sugar Shane Mosley, in June 2000. … Defeated Javier Castillejo to become WBC junior middleweight titlist in June 2001, and added WBA belt with September 2002 stoppage of Fernando Vargas, but lost both belts on disputed points defeat to Mosley. … Claimed WBO middleweight belt with razor-thin victory over Felix Sturm in June 2004, but was knocked out by Bernard Hopkins in bid for undisputed championship that September. … Knocked out Ricardo Mayorga in May 2006 to regain WBC 154-pound belt. … Lost 154-pound belt in split decision to Floyd Mayweather Jr. on Saturday.

38. Larry Holmes : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1973-2002 Record: 69-6 (44 KOs)

Career notes: Claimed vacant WBC heavyweight title with thrilling 15-round split-decision win over Ken Norton in June 1978, but labored in shadow of the recently retired Muhammad Ali. … Ali came out of retirement to challenge him in October 1980, and Holmes dished out a terrible beating until Ali's corner stopped the fight after 10th round. … Made 20 defenses of heavyweight crown and ran record to 48-0 before dropping a pair of controversial points decisions to Michael Spinks, after which he briefly retired. … Came back in January 1988 to challenge Mike Tyson, but was stopped in fourth round. … Came back again in 1991 and fought more or less continuously until 1997. … Fought twice more for heavyweight crown, losing on points to Evander Holyfield (June 1992) and Oliver McCall (April 1995). … Final bout was glorified carnival sideshow win over Eric "Butterbean" Esch in 2002.




37. Thomas Hearns : Welter, junior middle, middle, super middle, light heavy, cruiser

Ring career: 1977-2006 Record: 61-5-1 (48 KOs)

Career notes: With freakish power and an occasionally suspect chin, seemed destined to either knock out or be knocked out in many of his big fights. … Won WBA welterweight title with two-round stoppage of Pipino Cuevas in 1980, but failed in unification attempt with WBC champ Sugar Ray Leonard in 1981; leading on points through 12, was knocked down in the 13th and stopped in 14th. … Bounced back to win WBC junior middleweight title from Wilfred Benitez in 1982; in second defense, starched Roberto Duran in the second round. … Was knocked out in three by Marvin Hagler in thrilling attempt to lift middleweight crown in 1985. … Stopped Dennis Andries to win WBC light heavyweight title in March 1987, then dropped back down to middleweight to claim vacant WBC belt. … Lost title in shocking three-round knockout at hands of Iran Barkley in June 1988, but came back to score draw in June 1989 rematch with Leonard most observers thought he won. … Retired after loss through injury to Uriah Grant in cruiserweight fight in 2000, but staged two-fight comeback in 2005 and 2006.




36. Eder Jofre : Bantamweight, featherweight

Ring career: 1957-76 Record: 72-2-4 (50 KOs)

Career notes: Won NBA bantamweight title with sixth-round knockout of Eloy Sanchez in November 1960, and became recognized as undisputed champion with defeat of Piero Rollo the following March. … Made seven successful defenses, all by knockout, until losing championship, and rematch, to Fighting Harada in 1965 and 1966, only two defeats of career. … Won world featherweight championship in May 1973, after 16 years as a pro.




35. Marvin Hagler : Middleweight

Ring career: 1973-87 Record: 62-3-2 (57 KOs)

Career notes: First attempt to win world title came up short when held to draw against Vito Antuofermo in November 1979. … In following September, did win title by stopping Alan Minter in three. … Defended title successfully 12 times, winning first seven bouts by knockout (including rematch with Antuofermo). … Resisted strong challenge over 15 rounds from Roberto Duran in November 1983, and knocked out Thomas Hearns in the third round of one of the most intense and exciting title fights in living memory, in April 1985. … Retired after suffering controversial points defeat to underdog Sugar Ray Leonard in April 1987.





34. Emile Griffith : Welterweight, junior middleweight, middleweight

Ring career: 1958-77 Record: 85-24-2-1 (23 KOs)

Career notes: Despite winning the world welterweight championship three times and middleweight championship twice, will be forever known for one dark night, when he regained 147-pound crown from Benny "Kid" Paret on March 24, 1962: live on national television, he battered Paret into unconsciousness and death, and although he fought on for many years, was never quite the same. … After losing middleweight title the second time, made four more attempts to regain it, before retiring after losing to Alan Minter in 1977. … Was stopped just twice in 112 fights.



33. Ruben Olivares : Bantamweight, featherweight

Ring career: 1965-88 Record: 88-13-3 (78 KOs)

Career notes: Popular, hard-hitting champion won WBA and WBC bantamweight titles in August 1969, but lost on cuts to Chucho Castillo in October 1970, before regaining championship six months later. … Lost belts a second time, to Rafael Herrera, in March 1972. … Took vacant WBA featherweight championship in July 1974, but lost to Alexis Arguello four months afterward. … Came back from two second-round knockdowns to score second-round TKO over Bobby Chacon and win WBC belt in 1975. … Lost title in first defense, over 15 rounds to David Kotey.




32. Jose Napoles : Welterweight, middleweight

Ring career: 1958-75 Record: 77-7 (54 KOs)

Career notes: Won world welterweight title in April 1969 with 13th-round TKO of Curtis Cokes. … Challenged Carlos Monzon for middleweight crown in 1974, but was stopped in seventh round. … Made three defenses, but was stopped on cuts by journeyman Billy Backus in December 1970. … Avenged loss with fourth-round TKO six months later, and made nine more defenses of title before losing to John H. Stracey in 1975 and retiring immediately afterward. … Known as "mantequilla" for his buttery-smooth boxing skills.





31. Billy Conn : Middleweight, light heavyweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1935-48 Record: 63-12-1 (14 KOs)

Career notes: Talented boxer beat middleweight champion Fred Apostoli twice in non-title bouts, before claiming light heavyweight crown in July 1939. … Challenged Joe Louis for heavyweight championship in June 1941, and was outboxing the champion until he decided to stand and trade -- he started fighting, when he should have continued boxing -- and was knocked out at the end of the 13th round.



30. Terry McGovern : Bantamweight, featherweight

Ring career: 1897-1908 Record: 60-4-4 (42 KOs) and 10 no-decisions

Career notes: Fearsome puncher. … Won world bantamweight title in 1899 with first-round knockout. … Added featherweight crown via eighth-round stoppage victory in January 1900. … Every one of six title defenses was by knockout.




29. Sandy Saddler : Featherweight, junior lightweight

Ring career: 1944-57 Record: 144-16-2 (103 KOs)

Career notes: Tall and skinny for a featherweight. … Frequently chastised for regular recourse to rough-and-tumble tactics, although also possessed good boxing skills. … only opponent to regularly get better of Willie Pep, whom he beat three times out of four, all victories coming inside the distance. … Won featherweight championship in first bout, in October 1948, before losing it in rematch four months later. … Won junior lightweight belt in December 1949. … After two defenses, abdicated crown to concentrate again on featherweight division. … Reclaimed championship from Pep in 1950. … Held on to title until 1956, although two of those years were spent inactive while in Army. … Retired as champion in January 1957 as result of vision problems stemming from an auto accident.




 (새들러는 위대한 윌리 펩을 KO시킨 4명 중 하나이다, 그리고 새들러는 무려 3번이나 그렇게 했다)

새들러는 복싱 역사상 100번 이상의 KO승을 거둔 몇 안되는 파이터 중 하나이다 (아치무어는 141번의 KO승을 기록했다). 176 cm의 신장을 가진 샌디는 페더급에 이상적인 체형을 가졌다. 그는 마음만 먹으면 언제나 이길 수 있었던 터프한 복서였다. 거리를 유지하는 테크닉이 있었고, 인사이드로 파고들어서도 싸울 수 있었다. 상대의 이성을 잃게 만들고서는 말도 때려 눕힐 수 있는 타격으로 경기를 끝내버렸다. KO시키거나 KO되거나 둘 중 하나인 파이터의 유형은 아니었다. 새들러는 간단히 얘기해서 위대한 파이터였으며 여기에 덧붙여 엄청난 펀치력도 소유했다. 그는 145승 16패 2무승부 103KO로 전적을 마감했다. 유명한 KO승으로는 조 브라운 (브라운은 그 경기후 라이트 웨이트 챔피언 벨트를 얻기도 한다)을 상대로 한 3라운드 TKO, 윌리 펩을 상대로 한 4라운드 KO, 플래시 얼로드를 상대로 한 13라운드 TKO이다.



28. Jake LaMotta : Middleweight

Ring career: 1941-54 Record: 83-19-4 (30 KOs)

Career notes: Famed for biography "Raging Bull," made into movie by Martin Scorsese, with Robert DeNiro playing LaMotta. … Most famous for six bouts with Sugar Ray Robinson: LaMotta won the second -- the first to defeat Robinson -- but lost other five. … Won world middleweight title against Marcel Cerdan in 1949, but lost it to Robinson in 1951. … Knocked down just once in his career, by Danny Nardico in 1952.





Jake LaMotta vs Sugar Ray Robinson (Real)           Jake LaMotta vs Sugar Ray Robinson (Raging Bull)



27. Ezzard Charles : Middleweight, light heavyweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1940-59 Record: 96-25-1 (58 KOs)

Career notes: Had more heavyweight championship fights than anyone not named Holyfield, Louis or Ali. … Four title bouts came against Jersey Joe Walcott; won first two encounters, taking NBA heavyweight belt in 1949 before achieving universal recognition as champ with victory over Joe Louis the following year, and defeating Walcott again in March 1951. … Was TKO'd by Walcott in July 1951 to lose title, lost again on points and failed in two attempts to wrest belt back from Rocky Marciano.




26. Joe Frazier : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1965-81 Record: 32-4-1 (27 KOs)

Career notes:Four losses came to two opponents. … one of three greatest heavyweights in perhaps greatest heavyweight generation ever. … Claimed world title during Muhammad Ali's suspension for refusing the draft, but many regarded Ali as true champion. … Met Ali on March 8, 1971, in "Fight of the Century"; Frazier floored Ali in 15th to cement unanimous points victory. … Lost title to George Foreman in 1973, and lost on points to Ali in non-title bout the following year. … Fought Ali in 1975 a third time in the "Thrilla in Manila," widely regarded as greatest heavyweight title bout of all time. Ali retained title when Frazier's trainer Eddie Futch stopped contest after 14 brutal rounds. … Retired after losing again to Foreman in 1976, but came back briefly in 1981, scoring a draw with Jumbo Cummings.




25. Marcel Cerdan : Middleweight

Ring career: 1934-49 Record: 106-4 (61 KOs)

Career notes: one of most popular athletes in French history. … Born in Algeria before emigrating to France. … Suffered four defeats in 110 bouts, each dubious: two via disqualification, one on a controversial decision and once after injuring shoulder against Jake LaMotta in defense of world middleweight title won from Tony Zale. … Was killed in a plane crash while en route to rematch.





24. Julio Cesar Chavez : Super feather, light, junior welter, welterweight

Ring career: 1980-2005 Record: 108-6-2 (87 KOs)

Career notes: Arguably most revered Mexican boxer in history. … Called "J.C. Superstar." … Known especially for heavy hands and murderous body punches. … Won first 88 professional fights before escaping with draw against Pernell Whitaker in 1993. … Tasted defeat for first time against Frankie Randall four months later. … Won WBC super featherweight title in September 1984. … Stopped Edwin Rosario to win WBA lightweight belt in November 1987. … Added WBC belt with defeat of Jose Luis Ramirez in 1988. … Stopped Roger Mayweather to annex WBC junior welterweight crown in May 1989. … Added IBF title with last-second stoppage win over Meldrick Taylor in 1990. … Lost title to Randall, but regained it in rematch. Lost it again, to Oscar De La Hoya, in 1996, and did not hold a world title again.




23. Jimmy McLarnin : Flyweight, lightweight, welterweight

Ring career: 1923-36 Record: 62-11-3 (20 KOs) and 1 no-decision

Career notes: Won welterweight championship in 1933 with first-round knockout. … Then engaged in spectacular three-fight series with Barney Ross, winning one and losing two. … Held victories over 13 world champions. … Was perhaps first fighter to be referred to by sportswriters as best "pound-for-pound" fighter in the world.




22. Barney Ross : Lightweight, junior welterweight, welterweight

Ring career: 1929-38 Record: 72-4-3 (22 KOs) and 2 no-decisions

Career notes: Claimed both lightweight and junior welterweight titles with victory over Tony Canzoneri in 1933, and defended both in rematch. … Defeated Jimmy McLarnin for welterweight title in 1935, lost it in a rematch, and regained it in rubber match. … Lost title to Henry Armstrong and retired.




21. Tony Canzoneri : Bantam, feather, light, junior welterweight

Ring career: 1925-39 Record: 137-24-10 (44 KOs) and 4 no-decisions

Career notes: Won world featherweight championship in February 1928 when only 19, but lost first defense. … Knocked out Al Singer in first round to win lightweight championship in 1930. … Added junior welterweight title the following year. … Lost, regained, and again lost both lightweight and junior welterweight belts.




20. George Foreman : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1969-97 Record: 76-5 (68 KOs)

Career notes: on Nov. 5, 1994, knocked out Michael Moorer in 10th round to become, at 45, oldest heavyweight champion in history, capping improbable career comeback. … In first incarnation, was a sullen wrecking ball of a champion, wrenching heavyweight title from Joe Frazier after six knockdowns in two rounds in January 1973. … Was shockingly outthought, outfought and upended by Muhammad Ali in the "Rumble in the Jungle" in Zaire in 1974. … After losing to Jimmy Young in March 1977, retired to become a preacher, but returned to ring 10 years later, to initial derision. … Fought four more times after defeating Moorer before retiring for good after suffering points defeat to Shannon Briggs in a bout most people thought he won.




19. Stanley Ketchel : Middleweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1903-10 Record: 52-4-4 (49 KOs) and 4 no-decisions

Career notes: only boxer to beat twin brothers in consecutive bouts: Knocked out Mike Sullivan in February 1908, and his twin brother, Jack, two and a half months later. … Victory over Jack Sullivan secured world middleweight championship, which he never lost. … Made 11 defenses of crown in just three years, a total behind only Bernard Hopkins, Carlos Monzon and "Marvelous" Marvin Hagler. … Fought heavyweight champion Jack Johnson in October 1909, and despite being outweighed by 35 pounds, knocked him down before being knocked out cold. … Shot and killed by jealous husband in 1910, at 24.





18. Archie Moore : Light heavyweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1935-63 Record: 183-24-10-1 (131 KOs)

Career notes: Had fought 168 times and was 39 years old before finally getting shot at world title. … Took advantage of that shot by outpointing champion Joey Maxim to take crown. … Fought additional 52 bouts after that, losing just four, three to heavyweights: Rocky Marciano, Floyd Patterson and Cassius Clay. … Remains oldest world champion in history: 48 years, 59 days old when last held the belt. … With 131 knockouts, recorded the most of any boxer.




17. Mickey Walker : Welterweight, middleweight, light heavyweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1919-35 Record: 93-19-4-1 (60 KOs) and 46 no-decisions

Career notes: Won world welterweight championship in 1922 and defended it six times before losing it in 1926. … In January 1925, weighing less than 150 pounds, challenged for light heavyweight title, the lightest man ever to do so. … Later that year, unsuccessfully challenged Harry Greb for middleweight title. … Won middleweight championship from Tiger Flowers in December 1926, and defended it three times before relinquishing in 1931. … Made two more unsuccessful bids for light heavyweight crown and also challenged heavyweights Jack Sharkey and Max Schmeling.



16. Gene Tunney : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1915-28 Record: 61-1-1-1 (45 KOs) and 19 no-decisions

Career notes: Known as "Fighting Marine." … Won American light heavyweight championship from Battling Levinsky in January 1922, before losing it to and then regaining it from Harry Greb. … Took world heavyweight championship from Jack Dempsey in September 1926, and retained it in rematch 11 months later. … Made just one more defense before becoming one of very few champions to retire at the top and stay retired.




15. Jimmy Wilde : Flyweight

Ring career: 1910-23 Record: 131-3-2 (99 KOs) and 13 no-decisions

Career notes: one of the smallest world champions ever, and yet, pound-for-pound, one of the most destructive. … Ninety-nine knockouts rank among the highest for any fighter, in any weight class. … Became first world flyweight champion in history, stopping Young Zulu Kid in 11th round in December 1916. … Lost title in final fight of career, by knockout to Pancho Villa.




14. Rocky Marciano : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1947-56 Record: 49-0 (43 KOs)

Career notes: only undefeated heavyweight world champion in history and one of the most popular and iconic American athletes of all time. … Renowned for ferocious punch and tremendous heart. … Won heavyweight championship with 13th-round knockout of Jersey Joe Walcott in September 1952. … Made six defenses before retiring in 1956.




13. Harry Greb : Middleweight

Ring career: 1913-26 Record: 105-8-3 (48 KOs) and 183 no-decisions

Career notes: Despite dying at age 32, and despite a relatively brief professional career, fought more recorded bouts than all but two men in boxing history, majority of which were rendered no-decisions. … Won world middleweight title in 1923 despite becoming largely blind in left eye following bout with Kid Norfolk two years earlier. … Defended title six times over next three years before losing it to Tiger Flowers. … In May 1922, became only boxer to defeat future heavyweight champion Gene Tunney.




12. Sugar Ray Leonard

Welterweight, junior middleweight, middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight

Ring career: 1977-97 Record: 36-3-1 (25 KOs)

Career notes: Olympic gold medalist won WBC welterweight world title with 15th-round stoppage of Wilfred Benitez in November 1979, only to shockingly lose title to Roberto Duran seven months later. … Defeated Duran in rematch in the famous "No Mas" bout. … Beat Ayub Kalule in 1981 to add WBA 154-pound title before dropping belt to focus on welterweight crown. … Unified titles with dramatic 14th-round stoppage of WBA titlist Thomas Hearns in September 1981. … Retired in November 1982 after surgery for detached retina. … After comeback bout against Kevin Howard in May 1984, retired again after being disgusted with performance. … Emerged from retirement to upset "Marvelous" Marvin Hagler to win middleweight crown in 1987. … Defeated Donny Lalonde in November 1989 bout that was for both super middleweight and light heavyweight titles. … Last two fights were ill-advised comebacks that resulted in defeats: against Terry Norris in 1991 and Hector Camacho in 1997.




11. Joe Gans : Lightweight (1891-1909)

Record: 120-8-9 (85 KOs) and 18 no-decisions

Career notes: First black man to win world lightweight title, which was secured via first-round knockout of Frank Erne in May 1902. … Defeated Battling Nelson in the 42nd round in 1906, the third-longest bout in boxing history. … Lost title in rematch to Nelson in 1908. … once fought three times in one night.




10. Sam Langford : Lightweight, welterweight, middleweight, heavyweight

Ring career: 1902-26 Record: 167-38-37-3 (117 KOs) and 48 no-decisions

Career notes: Almost certainly the greatest fighter never to win, or even fight for, a world title. … Fought all the way from lightweight to heavyweight, and continued to fight -- and win -- even after becoming almost completely blind in one eye and partially blind in another. … Problem was that he was just too good. That, and the fact that heavyweight career overlapped with that of Jack Johnson -- who refused to give him a title shot, and whose behavior outside the ropes made promoters leery about the prospect of another black heavyweight champion -- combined to deny him the world title opportunity he deserved. … After being forced to retire because of blindness, disappeared from view until he was rediscovered by journalist Al Laney in 1944.




9. Jack Dempsey : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1914-27 Record: 61-6-8 (50 KOs) and 6 no-decisions

Career notes: Held world heavyweight title from 1919 to 1926, although only six of his fights during that period were official title defenses. … Furious two-fisted punching style was hugely popular with fans. … Engaged in some of the most celebrated battles of all time, including with Luis Angel Firpo and Gene Tunney. … The "Manassa Mauler" was the face of boxing at a time when it was still, along with baseball and horse racing, the most popular sport in the land. … Rakishly handsome and charismatic outside the ring, was all-action inside it, brandishing a breathtaking, go-for-broke fighting style. … Won the title by shattering the jaw of giant Jess Willard. … When he lost it, by decision to Tunney in 1926, it was in front of the largest paid attendance in the history of boxing -- more than 120,000 spectators. … In rematch, floored Tunney for a count of nine, the infamous "long count" in which Tunney was actually on the canvas for 14 seconds. … After losing rematch, retired and opened a restaurant in New York.




Jack Dempsey vs Jess Willard                               Jack Dempsey vs Gene Tunney


8. Jack Johnson : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1897-1928 Record: 77-13-14 (48 KOs) and 19 no-decisions

Career notes: First black heavyweight champion. … Beat Tommy Burns to win crown in 1908, and held on to it until defeated by Jess Willard in 1915. … Was in many ways precursor to Muhammad Ali: dominant in the ring and deliberately provocative and antagonizing outside it, shocking and infuriating white society with his boldness and arrogance. … Was driven into exile for much of his reign, living and fighting in Europe and South America to avoid facing charges under the profoundly racist Mann Act, which prohibited the transport of white women across state lines for immoral purposes. … Died in an auto accident in 1946.





7. Benny Leonard : Lightweight

Ring career: 1911-32 Record: 85-5-1 (69 KOs) and 121 no-decisions

Career notes: Won world lightweight championship in May 1917, and retired as champion in January 1925, making him the longest-reigning lightweight champion ever. … After more than seven years, made return to the ring, winning 18 of 19. … At one stage, fought 154 consecutive bouts without losing. … Of five losses, three were in his formative ring years, one was on a foul when challenging for the welterweight championship and one was the final contest of his career, during his comeback after a seven-year layoff, against fellow Hall of Famer Jimmy McLarnin. … Exceptional all-around talent possessed speed, accuracy and power in one package. … Became a referee after retirement, and collapsed and died in the ring while refereeing a bout in New York state.




6. Roberto Duran : Lightweight, welterweight, junior middleweight, middleweight

Ring career: 1968-2001 Record: 103-16 (70 KOs)

Career notes: Won lightweight championship from Ken Buchanan in 1972. … Snarling, unstoppable ring monster dominated lightweight division for seven years, and then outhustled Sugar Ray Leonard to become welterweight champ in 1980. … Quit in the rematch with Leonard five months later. … At 32, destroyed Davey Moore to win a junior middleweight belt in 1983, and fought bravely against Marvin Hagler five months later. … In 1984, was felled, flat on his face, by Tommy Hearns inside two rounds. … In the 21st year of professional career, improbably won a middleweight belt by beating Iran Barkley in 1989.





5. Willie Pep : Featherweight

Ring career: 1940-66 Record: 230-11-1 (65 KOs)

Career notes: Two-time world featherweight champion renowned for legendary defensive skills. … Achieved tremendous success despite suffering near-fatal injuries in a plane crash in 1947. … Legend that says he once won a round without throwing a punch (he almost certainly did not) is testament to defensive wizardry of "Will o' the Wisp." … Won first 63 bouts before losing to Sammy Angott, and then went 72-0-1 before losing again, to Sandy Saddler. … only Saddler was ever truly able to figure him out, winning three of four times in bouts that were frequently brutal and foul-filled.






4. Joe Louis : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1934-51 Record: 68-3 (54 KOs)

Career notes: Won world heavyweight championship in 1937, and retired as champion in 1949. … Held heavyweight title for longer (11 years, 8 months, 7 days) and made more successful defenses (25) than anyone. … Defined by two fights against Max Schmeling of Germany. In first encounter, was unbeaten and knocked out in the 12th round, in June 1936. In rematch, almost exactly two years later, as world champion knocked out challenger in the first round, becoming hero to black and white Americans alike, and cemented his place as one of the most popular champions of all time.




3. Henry Armstrong : Featherweight, lightweight, welterweight

Ring career: 1932-45 Record: 151-21-9 (101 KOs)

Career notes: only boxer to hold world titles at three different weights simultaneously. … Won featherweight crown in October 1937. … Added welterweight title in May 1938 and became lightweight champion three months later. … Challenged for middleweight crown in 1940, and held champion Ceferino Garcia to a draw. … Known variously as "Hammerin' Hank" and "Homicide Hank." Third nickname, "Hurricane Hank," was perhaps the most appropriate. … Was a whirlwind of a fighter, a perpetual-motion machine who overwhelmed opponents with a nonstop, suffocating fusillade of punches. … Faced 17 world champions in career and defeated 15 of them.




2. Muhammad Ali : Heavyweight

Ring career: 1960-81 Record: 56-5 (37 KOs)

Career notes: First to win heavyweight championship of the world three times. … Was banned from the ring for three years for refusing induction into the armed forces during the Vietnam War. … After ban was lifted, lost to Joe Frazier in "Fight of the Century" in 1971, but stunned George Foreman to regain belt in 1974. … Lost title to, and regained it from, Leon Spinks in 1978. … Three of defeats came in last four bouts, including two in an ill-advised emergence from retirement, against Larry Holmes and Trevor Berbick, at 38. … Transcended the sport unlike any other boxer. … Reinvented the way heavyweights were supposed to fight, deploying a speed and athleticism that was previously unheard of; also alternately bedazzled and appalled America and the world with charisma, showmanship and braggadocio. … Viewed progressively over the years as loudmouth, villain, hero and finally a figure of pathos. … Remains for many the definition of a champion.




Casius Clay vs Sonny Liston (1965)                      Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier (1971)


1. Sugar Ray Robinson : Welterweight, middleweight

Ring career: 1940-65 Record: 175-19-6-2 (109 KOs)

Career notes: Won world welterweight title in December 1946, and defended it four times before stepping up in weight and winning, in 1951, first of five stints as middleweight champ. … Attempted to win light heavyweight title from Joey Maxim in 1952, but was stopped in the 14th round. … Born Walker Smith in Ailey, Ga. … Was the most complete boxer yet to grace the squared circle. … Lost just one of first 123 fights, to Jake LaMotta, a defeat avenged five times in a classic ring rivalry. … A near-perfect pugilist at welterweight, was less dominant at middleweight, but was still able to win the title five times, including three times after he had retired for two and a half years. … only stoppage defeat was when challenging Maxim for light heavyweight crown, and then was leading on points until overcome by heat so extreme that it had forced the replacement of the referee in the 10th.






 Hagler & Tyson


 Hagler & Alexis Arguello


 Hagler & Roberto Duran


Marvin Hagler, ? , Thomas Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard


Archie Moore, Marvin Hagler, Joe Frazier




IBRO(국제 복싱 학술 기구)가 2005년도에 발표한 올타임 랭킹



Updated March 2005

Light Heavyweight

Updated March 2005

  1. Joe Louis
  2. Muhammad Ali
  3. Jack Johnson
  4. Jack Dempsey
  5. Rocky Marciano
  6. Larry Holmes
  7. James J. Jeffries
  8. George Foreman
  9. Sonny Liston
  10. Joe Frazier
  11. Gene Tunney
  12. Lennox Lewis
  13. Mike Tyson
  14. Evander Holyfield
  15. Sam Langford
  16. Jersey Joe Walcott
  17. Ezzard Charles
  18. Harry Wills
  19. James J. Corbett
  20. Bob Fitzsimmons

Just missing the cut: Riddick Bowe, Max Schmeling, Joe Jeannette, Peter Jackson, John L. Sullivan, George Godfrey, Max Baer, Ken Norton, Sam McVey and Jack Sharkey.

  1. Archie Moore
  2. Ezzard Charles
  3. Sam Langford
  4. Gene Tunney
  5. Bob Foster
  6. Tommy Loughran
  7. Michael Spinks
  8. Bob Fitzsimmons
  9. Billy Conn
  10. Roy Jones, Jr.
  11. Maxie Rosenbloom
  12. John Henry Lewis
  13. Harry Greb
  14. Tommy Gibbons
  15. Philadelphia Jack O'Brien
  16. Jack Dillon
  17. Harold Johnson
  18. Jimmy Bivins
  19. Georges Carpentier
  20. Battling Levinsky

Just missing the cut: Jack Delaney, Kid McCoy, Matthew Saad Muhammad, Dwight Qawi,  Joey Maxim, Joe Choynski, Kid Norfolk, Virgil Hill, Tommy Burns, and Tiger Jack Fox.



Updated June 2005


Updated June 2005

  1. Harry Greb
  2. Sugar Ray Robinson
  3. Stanley Ketchel
  4. Mickey Walker
  5. Carlos Monzon
  6. Marvin Hagler
  7. Marcel Cerdan
  8. Bob Fitzsimmons
  9. Jake LaMotta
  10. Charley Burley
  11. Tony Zale
  12. Tiger Flowers
  13. Bernard Hopkins
  14. Tommy Ryan
  15. Roy Jones Jr.
  16. Dick Tiger
  17. Mike Gibbons
  18. Freddie Steele
  19. Kid McCoy
  20. Gene Fullmer

Just missing the cut: Sugar Ray Leonard, Les Darcy, Sam Langford, Holman Williams, Billy Papke, Emile Griffith, Frank Klaus, Joey Giardello, Nonpareil Jack Dempsey and Ezzard Charles.

  1. Sugar Ray Robinson
  2. Sugar Ray Leonard
  3. Henry Armstrong
  4. Barbados Joe Walcott
  5. Barney Ross
  6. Kid Gavilan
  7. Emile Griffith
  8. Thomas Hearns
  9. Jose Napoles
  10. Mickey Walker
  11. Jimmy McLarnin
  12. Jack Britton
  13. Ted (Kid) Lewis
  14. Carmen Basilio
  15. Tommy Ryan
  16. Luis Rodriguez
  17. Pernell Whitaker
  18. Wilfred Benitez
  19. Charley Burley
  20. Roberto Duran

Just missing the cut: Felix Trinidad, Oscar De la Hoya, Fritzie Zivic, Young Corbett III, Young Jack Thompson, Mike Gibbons, Billy Graham, Holman Williams, Jackie Fields, Aaron Pryor, and Dixie Kid.



Updated November 2005


Updated December 2005

  1. Benny Leonard
  2. Roberto Duran
  3. Joe Gans
  4. Henry Armstrong
  5. Tony Canzoneri
  6. Ike Williams
  7. Pernell Whitaker
  8. Barney Ross
  9. Julio Cesar Chavez
  10. Lou Ambers
  11. Carlos Ortiz
  12. Jack Blackburn
  13. Battling Nelson
  14. Alexis Arguello
  15. Freddie Welsh
  16. Packy McFarland
  17. Aaron Pryor
  18. Joe Brown
  19. Shane Mosley
  20. Jack McAuliffe

Just missing the cut: Ad Wolgast, Beau Jack, Lew Tendler, Kid Lavigne, Floyd Mayweather, Jr., Ken Buchanan, Bob Montgomery, Ismael Laguna, Sammy Mandell, Sammy Angott and Esteban De Jesus.

  1. Willie Pep
  2. Sandy Saddler
  3. Henry Armstrong
  4. Abe Attell
  5. Johnny Dundee
  6. Alexis Arguello
  7. Kid Chocolate
  8. Johnny Kilbane
  9. Jim Driscoll
  10. Terry McGovern
  11. Salvador Sanchez
  12. George Dixon
  13. Vincente Saldivar
  14. Tony Canzoneri
  15. Eder Jofre
  16. Young Griffo
  17. Azumah Nelson
  18. Owen Moran
  19. Freddie Miller
  20. Eusebio Pedroza

Just missing the cut: Erik Morales, Battling Battalino, Chalky Wright, Louis Kid Kaplan, Baby Arizmendi, Benny Bass, Marco Antonio Berrera, Young Corbett II and Davey Moore.



Updated March 2006


Updated June 2006

  1. Eder Jofre
  2. Panama Al Brown
  3. Ruben Olivares
  4. Pete Herman
  5. Manuel Ortiz
  6. Carlos Zarate
  7. George Dixon
  8. Terry McGovern
  9. Kid Williams
  10. Fighting Harada
  11. Joe Lynch
  12. Johnny Coulon
  13. Jeff Chandler
  14. Bud Taylor
  15. Sixto Escobar
  16. Jimmy Barry
  17. Frankie Burns
  18. Memphis Pal Moore
  19. Jose Becerra
  20. Lupe Pintor

Just missing the cut: Pete Sanstol, Khaosai Galaxy, Charlie Phil Rosenberg, Jimmy Carruthers, Harry Jeffra, Jeff Fenech, Owen Moran, Lou Salica, Raul Raton Macias, Alfonso Zamora, Bushy Graham, Alphonse Halimi, Orlando Canizales and Abe Goldstein.

  1. Jimmy Wilde
  2. Pancho Villa
  3. Pascual Perez
  4. Fidel LaBarba
  5. Benny Lynch
  6. Frankie Genaro
  7. Miguel Canto
  8. Ricardo Lopez
  9. Midget Wolgast
  10. Peter Kane
  11. Pone Kingpetch
  12. Fighting Harada
  13. Jimmy Barry
  14. Johnny Buff
  15. Horacio Accavallo
  16. Masao Ohba
  17. Humberto Gonzalez
  18. Johnny Coulon
  19. Jung-Koo Chang
  20. Michael Carbajal

Just missing the cut: Santos Laciar, Yuri Arcachakov, Jackie Paterson, Mark Johnson, Chartchai Chionoi, Newsboy Brown, Tancy Lee, Salvatore Burruni, Little Dado, Rinty Monaghan, Black Bill, Emile Pladner, Yoko Gushiken, Elky Clark and Hilario Zapata.


Pound for Pound

Updated September 2006


1. Sugar Ray Robinson

2. Harry Greb

3. Henry Armstrong

4. Muhammad Ali       (Tie)

4. Joe Louis                 (Tie)

6. Sam Langford

7. Roberto Duran

8. Benny Leonard

9. Willie Pep

10. Bob Fitzsimmons

11. Joe Gans

12. Ezzard Charles        (Tie)

12. Sugar Ray Leonard (Tie)

14. Jimmy Wilde

15. Eder Jofre

16. Mickey Walker

17. Archie Moore

18. Jack Dempsey

19. Jack Johnson

20. Gene Tunney


Just missing the cut: Stanley Ketchel, Barbados Joe Walcott, Rocky Marciano, Tony Canzoneri, Barney Ross, Ike Williams, George Dixon, Sandy Saddler, Roy Jones Jr., and Larry Holmes.



The Big Match (1980 ~ 최근)


1. 훌리오 세자르 차베즈-퍼넬 휘테커, 1993년 WBC 웰터급 다이틀 매치


차베즈는 이 경기 당시까지 87전 전승 75KO의 전적을 거두고 있었으며, 슈퍼페더급, 라이트급, 라이트웰터급의 3체급 정벌을 달성했다. 수집한 벨트는 WBC, WBA, IBF 등 메이저 기구의 타이틀로만 다섯 개에 달했다.

휘테커는 33전 32승 15KO 1패, 라이트급에서 메이저 3기구 통합을 달성했고, 라이트웰터에선 IBF벨트를 수집했다. 당시 WBC 챔피언으로 역시 세 체급에 걸쳐 다섯 개의 벨트를 가졌던 선수였다. 당시 역사상 가장 맞추기 힘든 복서 중 한 명이라는 평가가 있던 초특급 사우스포였다. 차베즈에 대해서는 '신이 빚은 복서'라는 별명이 모든 것을 설명하고 있다.

이 경기에서는 총 6체급 10개의 벨트가 충돌했다고 볼 수 있다.



2. 1983년 아론 프라이어-알렉시스 알게요, WBC 라이트 웰터급 타이틀 매치


준수한 외모와 깔끔한 매너로 '링 위의 백작'이라는 별명을 가졌던 알게요는 80전 76승 4패 61KO의 전적을 거두면서 페더급과 슈퍼페더급, 라이트급을 거치며 세 체급에서 각각 하나씩의 벨트를 손에 넣었다. 그리고 사상 최초로 4체급 달성을 위해 아론 프라이어의 영지 라이트 웰터급을 침공했다. 당시 알게요는 31전 전승 29KO를 거뒀는데 이 경기 직전까지 23연속 KO승을 달리고 있던 중이었다. 알렉시스 알게요의 스타성과 아직 전인미답으로 남아있던 4체급에 대한 도전으로 역사적 가치가 풍부했던 경기였다.

니카라과의 마나구와 시에서 시장으로 재직 중이던 알게요는 올해 7월1일 자살로 생을 마감했다. 명복을 빈다.


3. 1981년 살바도르 산체스-윌프레도 고메즈, WBC 페더급 타이틀전


고메즈는 77년 염동균 선수를 이기고 WBC 슈퍼밴텀급 타이틀을 획득했다. 그가 산체스에게 도전할 때, 정복한 체급은 단지 하나. 즉 산체스와의 경기가 두 번째 체급에 대한 도전이었을 뿐이고, 산체스 역시 페더급의 그것이 유일한 벨트였다. 그러나 고메즈는 카를로스 사라테와의 'KO왕 대결'에서 승리했다는 점 때문에 당시 최고의 슈퍼스타 중 한 명으로 꼽혔다는 특징이 있다.

사라테와 고메즈, 둘의 대전 당시 사라테는 52전 전승 51KO를 거두고 있었고, 고메즈의 경우 데뷔전의 무승부를 제외한 21전에서 연속 KO를 기록하던 중이었다. 양 선수 도합 74승 72KO라는 기록이었다. 당 경기에서 KO승을 거두며 사라테를 저지한 고메즈는 이후 10명을 더 상대해 모두 KO승을 거두며 연속 KO기록을 32로 늘였다.


산체스에 대해서는 전문가들의 평가가 엇갈린다. 고메즈를 잡은 것을 제외하고는 특별한 업적이 없다는 것이 이유다. 그러나 산체스 최후의 상대였던 아주마 넬슨(15회 KO승으로 산체스 승리)이 이후 3체급을 달성했다는 점을 덧붙이면 산체스의 위업도 그리 만만하지만은 않다. 더군다나 산체스는 이 경기 이후 세 경기를 더 치르고 불귀의 객이 되고 말았기 때문에 이 선수의 레코드에는 독특한 아쉬움이 묻어난다. 물론 이것에 집착하는 것은 필자만의 어리석음일지도 모른다.


4. 오스카 델라 호야-펠릭스 트리니다드, 1999년 WBC IBF 웰터급 통합 타이틀전


호야는 이 경기 전까지 31전 전승 24KO를 기록하고 있었는데, 라이트급에서 차베즈의 시대에 마침표를 찍었으며, 웰터급에서 다시 한 번 차베즈와 대전해 완승을 거뒀다. 호야는 당시까지 4체급에서 5개(WBO벨트 포함) 벨트를 쓸어 담던 중이었다. 이 경기는 사실 호야의 승리로 보는 것이 맞지만 경기 후반부 포인트의 우세를 확신한 호야가 지키기 위주의 경기를 하는 것을 못마땅하게 본 부심들이 트리니다드의 손을 들어주게 된다.

이 경기는 헤비급 경기를 제외하고 처음으로 PPV 100만장 이상을 판 경기로 역사에 기록 됐다. 총 140만장을 팔았고, 이것은 같은 해에 있었던 타이슨-루이스 1차전의 120만장 판매에 비해 월등한 기록이었다.


5. 슈거 레이 레너드-토머스 헌즈, 1981년 WBC WBA 웰터급 통합 타이틀전


설명이 따로 필요 없을 것이다. 레너드는 두란 전에서 당한 첫 패배를 리턴 매치에서 되갚고 WBC 웰터급 벨트를 되찾았다, 이후 아유브 칼루에를 때려잡으면서 라이트미들급 벨트를 허리에 감게 된다. 31전 30승 1패 21KO로 2체급 달성.

WBA 웰터급에서 턱 분쇄기라는 별명으로 유명했던 피피노 쿠에바스를 때려잡고 벨트를 따낸 헌즈의 당시 전적은 32전 전승 30KO. 이후 이 선수들이 쓸어가게 되는 타이틀의 개수는 엄청나다.

헤글러, 레너드, 헌즈, 두란을 묶어 흔히 페뷸러스 4(F4, 이쪽이 오리지널이다. Fabulous: 터무니없는, 믿어지지 않는, 전설적인, 끝내주는)라고 하며, 이들은 1980년대의 복싱, 혹은 그 이상을 정의하고 있다.


6. 로베르토 두란 대 슈거레이 레너드 1차전 1980년 WBC 웰터급 타이틀전


당시 레너드는 '올림픽 금메달-골든 글러브'라는 미국 복싱의 엘리트 코스를 순조롭게 돌파했다. 프로로 넘어와서 당시 천재라고 불리던 챔피언 윌프레도 베니테즈를 극적인 15라운드 KO로 눕히면서 WBC 웰터급 타이틀을 손에 넣었다. 두란을 만나기 전까지의 전적은 27전 전승 18KO.


두란은 72전 71승 1패 61KO를 기록 중이었다. 1972년에 켄 뷰케넌을 13회에 쓰러뜨리고 WBA 라이트급의 왕좌를 차지한 이후, 79년 웰터급에서 떠오른 초신성 레너드를 사냥하기 위해 타이틀을 반납할 때까지 12차 방어전에 성공했다. 그 중 11명의 도전자들은 끝까지 서 있을 수 없었다. 라이트급 시대의 두란은 당 체급에서 가장 압도적인 선수 중 한 명으로 기억 되고 있다. 개인적으로 그는 가장 악랄한 방식으로 인간을 사냥하던, 지옥에서 온 야수였다고 생각한다.


이 경기는 캐나다 몬트리올의 올림픽 주경기장에서 치러졌다. 관객의 수효는 무려 5만에 달했다.


여기까지, 필자가 생각하는 몇 편의 역사적인 경기를 소개했다.


파퀴아오의 전적은 55전 50승 3패 2무 38KO, 8체급(밥 슈거는 7체급이라 언급하고 있지만, 데뷔 초 주니어 플라이급 시절이 있었으므로 사실은 8체급이다)에서 6개(밥 슈거는 7개라고 언급하는데 이것은 기구가 아닌 '링'지가 수여한 페더급 벨트를 포함한 숫자다. 기구의 타이틀은 6개), 혹은 7개의 벨트를 수확했다.

메이웨더 주니어의 전적은 40전 전승 25KO, 5체급에서 6개의 벨트를 주무르고 있다. 양 선수 도합 13체급 12개(혹은 13개)의 벨트가 충돌하는 형국이다. 가히 '벨트의 제왕'을 결정하는 대결이라 할 수 있다.

만약 파퀴아오-메이웨더 전이 위에 열거한 대전들에 비견될만 하다면, 이 경기를 목격할 가치는 그것으로 충분할 것이다.


이용수 칼럼니스트 (
